Monday 2nd September
Martyrs of Papua New Guinea, 1901, 1942
Tuesday 3rd September
Gregory the Great, bishop, teacher of the faith, 604
10.00am Eucharist (CW) Fornham St Martin
6.00pm A Quiet Space St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
Wednesday 4th September
Birinius, bishop, 650
8.30am Morning Prayer (CW) St John's, Bury St Edmunds
9.30am Eucharist (CW) St John's, Bury St Edmunds
5.00pm Evening Prayer (CW) St George's, Bury St Edmunds
Thursday 5th September
9.30am Eucharist (BCP) All Saints’, Bury St Edmunds
Friday 6th September
Allen Gardiner, missionary, founder of the South American Missionary Society, 1851
5.15pm Evening Prayer (CW) St John's, Bury St Edmunds
6.00pm Eucharist (CW) St John’s, Bury St Edmunds
Saturday 7th September
SUNDAY 8th September
15th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY in the Season of Creation
8.00am Holy Communion (CW) Culford
8.00am Holy Communion (BCP) All Saints', Bury St Edmunds
9.30am Parish Communion (CW) All Saints’, Bury St Edmunds
9.30am Parish Communion (CW) St George's, Bury St Edmunds
10.00am Eucharist (CW) Fornham St Martin
10.00am Eucharist (CW) Lackford
11.00am Sung Eucharist (CW) St John's, Bury St Edmunds
Details correct at time of going to press.
All services are open and welcoming to everyone.
(BCP - Book of Common Prayer. CW - Common Worship)
The Parish Eucharist is usually live-streamed from St John's on Sundays at 11am
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